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John J. Barbara
(click for more):
Began his career as a Forensic Toxicologist in
1970 in the Medical Examiner’s Laboratory in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Supervised the laboratory for approximately five years.
Joined the Knox County, Tennessee, Sheriff’s Department
in 1976 as an Administrative Chief overseeing the Drug and Crime Prevention
Worked as a Crime Laboratory Analyst for the
Florida Department of Law Enforcement (1981-82) and as a Crime Laboratory
Analyst Supervisor 1982-2009 (retired).
Over thirty years in forensic crime laboratories, over twenty-five years supervisory
Supervised many forensic disciplines including
Digital Forensics.
Digital Forensics Consulting, LLC in
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
(click for more):
Headquartered in
Geneva, Switzerland.
ISO identifies what
International Standards
are required by business, government
and society.
Develops standards in partnership with
the sectors that will put them to use.
Adopts standards by transparent
procedures based on national input and delivers them to be implemented
Collaborates with its partners in
international standardization,
the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) and the ITU-T (International
Telecommunication Union).
ISO is the
leading developer of
International Standards
that are designed to be implemented worldwide.
standards specify the requirements for state-of-the-art products, services,
processes, materials and systems, and for good conformity assessment, managerial,
and organizational practice.
Developed over
18,000 International Standards
and standard-type documents.
ASCLD/LAB Accreditation
(click for more):
Nationally and Internationally recognized as
the premier forensic laboratory accreditation provider in the world today.
Headquartered in Garner, North Carolina, USA.
Offers accreditation in its Digital & Multimedia Evidence Discipline
(Digital Forensics) under the ISO/IEC 17025:2005
International Standard.
Accreditation program managed by a paid staff
which works under the direction of a Board of Directors.
Board of Directors is elected by the
Assembly which is comprised of the laboratory directors of all accredited
laboratories and laboratory systems.
The ASCLD/LAB bylaws establish the authority
and responsibilities of the Board, the Delegate Assembly and the staff.